Frequently Asked Questions

What area of Missouri do you practice in? The firm is located in Southeast Missouri. We have practiced all over the State of Missouri. The majority of our practice is in the area of: St. Louis County south to Springfield and east of Springfield.

How are you paid? Personal injury work is usually handled on a contingency fee basis. Non-personal injury work in the civil law area is generally done on an hourly billing. In criminal cases, we take an initial retainer fee that will cover the work up to, but not including, a jury trial.

Does it cost to come in for the first conference? No. There is no fee for the initial consultation.

I've been injured. What should I do?

1. Keep a journal. Right now times are tough but thankfully things will get better. Keep a journal to preserve the details of your injury. Make notes of the pain you are in, the ways you are limited physically, your doctor visits and other ways the injury has affected your life.

2. Start a folder for correspondence. Keep track of all bills, letters and documents related to your injury. These may be helpful to you later.

3. Call a lawyer. Walsh Law Firm offers a free consultation. You will not pay a thing unless we recover for you. Call us at (573) 712-2909.

4. Be aware of time limits. State statutes assign the time limits for filing lawsuits based on the type of case you have. Be informed about how much time you have to file suit. If you do not file suit within these time limits you will be barred from recovering for your injuries.

5. Get well. Do whatever it takes to get back on your feet and living your life again. Your health is your number one priority.

Do I have sufficient insurance coverage on my car/truck/vehicles? Click on the attachment below regarding sufficient insurance coverage.

Walsh Law Firm
635 North Main Street
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901